The Airport in the Galapagos Islands, Made Easy

Where are the airports in the Galapagos Islands?

First things first. If you’re wondering where to fly into, there are 3 inhabited islands and each has an airport, however, only TWO islands have airports suitable for large aircraft coming from mainland Ecuador.

You can fly and in and out of either Santa Cruz’s Airport (GPS) or San Cristobal Airport in the Galapagos (SCY).

Location of Airport in the Galapagos Islands

Which airport in the Galapagos should I fly into?

To fly to the Airport in the Galapagos Islands, you must first get yourself to Quito or Guayaquil on mainland Ecuador.

The best airport for you in the Galapagos depends on:

  1. Flight itineraries on the date you’re traveling. For example, we found a direct flight from Quito to Santa Cruz on the date we needed so we opted to start there instead of San Cristobal with a connection, which would’ve eaten into our day.
  2. Any tours/lodging you’ve already booked.

One way flights between Quito/Guayaquil and the islands cost between $100 to 200, typically. Catch the morning flight out if you can so you still have much of the day to explore when you reach the islands. 

Documents required for the Landing at the Airport in the Galapagos Islands

What airlines fly to the airport in the Galapagos?

The three major islands with regular flights to the Galapagos Islands are: Aviana, LATAM, and Equair.

Use Google Flights to find the flight that best fits your itinerary and budget. Note: Google flights is not a good source for inter island flights. See below.

What documentation is required for the Airport in the Galapagos Islands?

Transit Control Card

On the day of your departure to the airport, you’ll want to arrive early to the airport to purchase a TCT card  (Transit Control Card) for $20 per person.  Speed up this process by filling out this archaic form in advance with your travel/lodging details. 

Pre-Security, at the Quito or Guayaquil airport, you’ll visit the Governing Council of the Special Regime of Galapagos desk to acquire your TCT card and pay the fee in cash.

When you have the TCT in hand, proceed to the bio-scanner before checking your bags.

TCT form required for Airport in the Galapagos Islands

Customs Declaration Form

Additionally, during your flight, the crew will distribute customs declaration forms to fill out.

Customs form for Airport in the Galapagos Islands

A Surprising Allowance at Domestic Airport Security

In Ecuador, you’re allowed to fly with a full water bottle when flying in country. We filled our reusable water bottles with filtered water before heading to the airport as we were told they are allowed on domestic flights.

Security on the way to Airport in the Galapagos Islands

What to expect at the airport in the Galapagos Islands?

When you land in the Galapagos Islands, you’ll be asked to produce your TCT card. They’ll rip off the top half. Save the bottom half in a safe location as you’ll need it before flying out of the islands. 

There is a $200 fee per person (cash only) to enter the Galapagos Islands as it is a National Park in its entirety. 

You’ll send your bags through a scanner yet again to be screened for biological threats.  Hand the agent your Customs Declaration card before putting your luggage on the belt.

Bio scanner at the Landing at the Airport in the Galapagos Islands

Then you’ll proceed to baggage claim. Do not take your bag until given permission even if you see it on the rack.

Baggage Claim at the Airport in the Galapagos Islands

How do I get from the Airport in the Galapagos Islands to my Hotel?

Baltra Airport to Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz

Landing in Baltra requires a bit of effort to reach your accommodations which are a ways south in the major city of the island, Puerto Ayora.  

Here’s what the experience looks like upon leaving the airport:

1st: Airport Bus

Ride a $5 bus to the channel that separates the island of Baltra from the island of Santa Cruz.   

Bus from the Airport in the Galapagos Islands

2nd: Water Taxi

Hop in a small boat to cross the channel for a fee of $1 USD.  We were a bit uneasy watching our luggage thrown onto the roof of the small boat, but everything made it just fine. 

Keep an eye out on your ride for Blue Footed Boobies on the rocks as you approach Santa Cruz’s docks. 

Water Taxi from the Airport in the Galapagos Islands

3rd: Taxi or Bus

Now you’re on the very northern end of Santa Cruz, but the city of Puerto Ayora is in the Southeast. You can opt to ride a bus for $5 per person to Puerto Ayora or hop in a taxi for $25.

We suggest the taxi option, especially if someone in your party speaks Spanish. Right off the bat you get a lot of great insights from a local! 

Every taxi we saw on the island was in the form of a white pickup truck. 

Enjoy the sights along the way, and watch as ecosystems change before your eyes. From the “sticks” near the channel, to the highlands, to the opuntia cactus forests, and the rocky coast.

Transport from the Airport in the Galapagos Islands

San Cristobal Airport to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno is the main port of the island and where the hotels and vacation rentals will be. The good news is, it’s only a five minute taxi ride from the airport to the port. There will be taxis waiting at the airport and it costs $2.50 for a ride.

San Cristobal Airport in the Galapagos Islands

What about Inter Island flights in the Galapagos Islands?

It is much more affordable to take the $35 ferry to move between Isabela, Santa Cruz, and San Cristobal, however, I understand that the potential for motion sickness is enough to persuade someone to fly instead!

Emetebe Galapagos Airlines operates interisland flights. The planes are even small enough to land in Isabela’s airport so you can get there without the ferry too.

The flights take about 30-45 minutes and cost $130-$140 each way.

Top Tips for Flying to the Galapagos Islands

  1. Take a photo of your bags. This applies for any destination, but you’ll be glad to have the photo throughout your Galapagos vacation if you’re moving around a lot. We found ourselves moving luggage from bus to boat to taxi quite often.
  2. If your seat on the plane has a sickness bag, take it with you. It may come in handy on a ferry right.
  3. Fill out the TCT Card forms online in advance (see link above). This will save you time at the airport. I wish everyone did this, as the process at the window is tedious if you need to dictate all your travel arrangement in person and it slows down the line.
  4. Do not lose the bottom half of your TCT Card. You’ll need it at your departure airport in the Galapagos.
  5. If you’re going to Quito after the Galapagos, take an altitude sickness pill 24 hours before you’ll land there.
  6. Do not drink the water. Use filtered water for drinking and brushing your teeth.
  7. Bring a lot more cash than you’re used to traveling with. Right off the bat, you’ll need to pay $200 cash per person when you land at the airport in the Galapagos.
  8. Consider opening a credit card that comes with a Priority Pass for airport lounges. Quito has fantastic lounges and there was even one in the San Cristobal airport.
  9. Don’t miss our affordable itinerary for a land based Galapagos trip!

Find more tips for Ecuador travel, here!

Tips for the Airport in the Galapagos Islands (2)

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Catherine – Savvy Family Travel

My favorite pastime is finding fun, interesting experiences to share with family and friends.

I’m a mom of two energetic and curious boys who have endless patience with my tendency to over plan activities on our family vacations. My tireless husband, Troy, provides comic relief, is our favorite photographer, and expert navigator.

I’m a firm believer that travel with kids doesn’t have to be intimidating or expensive. It can be affordable, epic, and, dare I say, even relaxing!

Are you a travel loving parent too? I’d love to meet you, please reach out via Messenger and say “hi!”

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